The Dirty Fact: How To Keep Your Mattress Fresh

Have you ever been woken by a banshee sneezing in the night? Perhaps you’ve noticed something rotten that isn’t your partner’s morning breathe? Perhaps it’s time for some TLC on your mattress. It’s amazing that we neglect these items, even though they take up a quarter of our lives. Let’s delve into the specifics of mattress cleansing, continue reading?

Vacuuming. Yes, vacuuming! You probably vacuum your carpets and floors, but did you know that it can also be used on your mattresses? Dust mites will love to spend time in your mattress. They’ll throw tiny dust mite events while you sleep. The critters can be removed with a vacuum that has an upholstery attachment. You should do this at least every two to three months.

Let’s move on to stains. Spilled the coffee on your bed while you were eating breakfast? The kids decided to make the mattress their new canvas? Life happens. Most stains can be removed with a mixture of water, mild detergent, and a little soap. Use a clean, soaked cloth to dab at the stain. Rubbing only makes things worse as the stain is pushed deeper into the material.

Do you have stubborn spots that just won’t go away? Baking soda mixed with vinegar will work. Sprinkle baking powder over the stain. Spray vinegar lightly on top. And watch it fizz up. Let the stain sit for 15-30 minutes before wiping it with a moist cloth.

Do you know that baking powder can also be used to deodorize a mattress? Sprinkle baking soda generously on the surface of your mattress and allow it to rest for 30 minutes (or longer, if necessary) before vacuuming. This helps neutralize smells and makes your bed smell as sweet as a rose.

A mattress that is rotated or flipped can be a great way to extend its lifespan and keep it comfortable. It’s best to flip or rotate your mattress every six-months, if possible. It helps to evenly distribute wear so you don’t sleep in a crater.

Have you ever heard of encasements, or mattress pillowcases? Like giant pillowcases, these zip around your mattress and protect from allergens. This is especially helpful for anyone with allergies or asthma in your home.

Humidity may also be a threat to mattresses. Mold growth can be caused by too much moisture. Be sure to ventilate your bedroom or use a dehumidifier in humid areas.

Sunlight is important! Drag that heavy thing outside, or at least to a window with an open door, every so often for some sunbathing. UV rays will kill bacteria without the use of chemicals.

Finally, be sure to keep track of the age your mattress. Most mattresses last between 7-10years, depending on usage and quality. If yours feel lumpy or sag more than grandmother’s couch cushion, cleaning it will not help. It’s probably time to upgrade.

That’s it! Keep your mattress spotless is not rocket science. However, it requires a bit of effort. Your nose – and sinuses – will thank you in the end!

Ultra Brite Carpet & Tile Cleaning North Shore
79-83 Longueville Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066
(02) 8015 5143

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